Missed yesterday, not counting the day. So this is now Sunday October, 7 2021.
Have been really getting side-interested in smart contracts. It surprises me that I’m actually open to working with crypto and defi now, even NFTs which part of me thinks are by and large ridiculous and as vacuous as the legion of $#|tcoins.
I have actively avoided that knowledge domain (and thereby that devspace) for as long as I knew it existed. Anyway I digress. My prior notes reminded me. I’ve found some amazing assets to learn, but the first priority is finishing the python challenge.
So why am I not calling this day 9 like I have seen some people do on twitter? Well I’m not, I am calling it 8 because this is the 8th day of effort I’m putting toward this very specific #100DaysOfCode / #100DaysOfPython challenge. It would be worse for me to try to keep up with an offset than it is to just say “oops worked too hard building those wooden tables, didn’t drink enough water” (true) and do day 8 the next day. It’s my life, it’s my count, it’s my choice.
I also think this is the most sane way to handle #100DaysOfCode when you’re sometimes having to go out of town where there is no internet (truth). Sure you could fill those days with “i downloaded and watched some videos” or “i coded some local stuff” . Fine. But it is not the same level of effort and expectation as set forth by a complete curriculum.
I continue to digress….
summary: review functions with inputs, parameters, and arguments
Final project: Caesar Cipher encoder/decoder (console)
Not the worst way to spend a Sunday. So far 7 tomatoes, but I will probably start looking at the next cryptozombies lesson. I really dove into the concept last night, after allowing myself to get over myself with regard to programming.
The stupid thing is I have the worst imposter syndrome. I have literally been coding like this since I was … what… 8 years old? I’ve gotten paid to code in everything from perl to COBOL (yes, actual COBOL on a mainframe with byte-wise raw storage io. holy crap). and yes, even python … but it has been a while.
I wrote an entire (garbage) CMS in 2005 because the client refused to listen to me tell him that WordPress would be more secure. It’s just been a while. I have hidden from the public eye for years, living very meagerly. But yeah, I need to start being who I actually am instead who I have been led to imagine myself to be.